Apricot for Young looking Skin

Apricot is a delicious fruit and packed will countless health benefits that’s why whenever you are looking for some amazing fruit hamper in UK you will find that apricots are always part of that hampers. It’s loved by many and can provide amazing benefits for achieving smooth glowing skin. Apricots have a magical effect of slowing the aging process of skin by providing healthy minerals and vitamins to the skin cell. They are advantageous in both ways; one can eat it or make a face pack. Here I will tell you three amazing face packs made out of apricots that will leaves you skin glowing, smooth and nourish it in a much better way than the costly products at the market shelf.


Glowing skin mask for oily skin:

  • 2 apricots, remove the skin and mash them
  • 1 table spoon of lemon
  • 1 table spoon of milk

blog20_3Mix the above mixture and apply it one you face after cleaning with a gentle face wash. Let the mixture rest for 15-20 minutes and then remove with warm water. This mixture can be used on arms and feet.

Revitalizing skin mask for all skin types:

2 Apricots pulp with skin

One table spoon yoghurt

½ tea spoon of turmeric powder

1 table spoon honey

Mix the above mixture and apply it one you face after cleaning with a gentle face wash. Let the mixture rest for 15-20 minutes and then remove with warm water. This mixture can be used on arms and feet.

Apricot scrub for perfect exfoliation:

1 table spoon of sugar

½ tea spoon of beach sand or egg shell powder

2-3 apricot pulp

1 table spoon of fresh milk cream

Mix the above the mixture and scrub your skin of face, arms and feet. This scrub is equally effective for all body.